Hey there. No, you’re not seeing double. We are twins. We are also certified life coaches and lifestyle designers.


About us

We’re Yasmin and Nadia, passionate coaches on a mission to help you heal negative patterns and beliefs holding you back from living the abundant, fulfilled and balanced life that you dream of having.  

Our journey is what made us so passionate about the work that we do. Seven years ago, we thought we were set for life. We were about to graduate with law degrees and had several years of experience in a law firm we envisioned lifelong careers in. We had our own home and we were surrounded by family and friends ‘approving’ of our path and choices. We were focused gym goers, healthy eaters and had a substantial amount of knowledge in personal development, spirituality and mindset from our own personal studying. 

On the outside, we were winning at life. Yet, under the surface, we were unfulfilled and uninspired, living a life full of work but little time to enjoy the things that truly mattered to us. We were not pursuing the life we wanted, but what others wanted of us and what we saw around us. We were lost, overworked and confused. 

And So, Our Journeys Began… 

It was time to follow OUR OWN DREAMS and create the life we truly wanted. 

We tried many approaches to get to the fulfilled, peaceful, joyful life we always dreamed of. We changed jobs, careers, transformed our health and fitness and studied and explored different lifestyles. 

But to get to the place we are today, creating our authentic lives, living in balance and feeling peaceful and abundant, inner transformation was required. This was hard to understand at first as we had adopted the common belief that changing your external circumstances and acquiring different things would change the way you feel. But as soon as our focus turned inwards and we learnt to follow our intuition, things changed massively. It was the hidden aspects of ourselves that required our attention and when we took the time to uncover, heal and embrace parts of ourselves that were holding us back, that’s when we aligned to the life that we once dreamed of. We reached a place where we fully embrace our journey. Like many, our childhood involved traumas, negative experiences and family conflicts. We worked on healing those struggles, rejections, conflicts and we now see them in a different light that allows us to feel empowered from our past instead of feeling like a victim of it. 

Today, we are certified life coaches passionate about guiding and supporting you to reach your own inner transformation. We use the knowledge, experience and tools we gained from our own journeys to teach effective ways to make the changes to your life, feel worthy and embody the most extraordinary version of yourself.